In Christ's Image Training: Humility
Celebrate Recovery's 12 step program: Powerlessness
Sense a theme here? It gets worse. I recently picked up the new CD from Sara Groves, Invisible Empires and one of my favorite tracks is an intentional slam on Chaka Kahn's I'm Every Woman...
I'm NOT every woman/It's not all in me/I'm proud and guarded/When it comes to my needs
Try to keep the whole thing rolling/Try to keep an on-time train/This frenatic fascination's/
really driving me insane
Anybody feel that?
The song is titled "Finite" and it perfecly sums up what God is speaking into my life right now. God isn't interested in making a better me. He's interested in making Himself in me. C.S. Lewis put it this way:

It's my job to admit failure early--as early as possible--and run quickly to my real source for His strength. We work together, but I have nothing of lasting value to contribute. I can only offer my availability and a desire to become like Him. Even in scripture, the only thing we are permitted to boast in is that we know the Lord.
It's hard to give up self-sufficiency, but absolutely necessary if our lives are to count for anything. Even I Corinthians 3 talks about building with gold, silver or costly stones--no one builds anything out of that kind of material, at least not if he's building for himself. And that's probably the point: we're not trying to build our own kingdoms from materials we can supply. We're building His kingdom and the materials will have to be of His supply for it to be worthy of Him and able to withstand the fire.