Thursday, April 23, 2020

Eternal Beauty-The Secrets of God

Ecc. 3:11 "He has made all things beautifully appropriate in their moment.  He has also placed eternity in the hearts of mankind, yet they cannot fathom the scope of it from beginning to end."

Pr. 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter.  It is the glory of Kings to search it out."

Genesis 1:28a "God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it."

Everything has its time-the moment in which it is so perfectly appropriate that it is beautiful.  The most ugly things you can imagine take on a fierce beauty at the perfectly appropriate moment as they fulfill their unique purpose.  Yet we, as humans, look to see the eternal scope and are continually frustrated.  It is as if God Himself dyed eggs and hid them for us to discover at just the right time. Those who wish to be in control (rule) eagerly hunt for those treasures and delight both in the finding and the sharing.   For it is in the finding of God's secret patterns of time, space, and concept that we discover what it takes to bring order to chaos, light to darkness, manicured gardens from weed patches.  Those secrets show us the beauty of all that is around us by exposing what each thing is intended to do and be to make the whole work elegantly.  We are made for this search.  There is no greater joy than finding the perfect solution at the right moment; watching its implementation bring life and order to everything around us.

Are you searching for beauty during this trying time?  The beauty is all around you.  It includes moments when people show up at a hospital parking lot to flash lights at the staff to tell them how much we appreciate what they do.  It's curbside delivery in a pandemic.  It's people volunteering to sew masks or 3D print Love and Peace on face shield frames.  It's the perfect preventative treatment at the moment we need it.  

If you have forgotten what we're about and why we do all that we do, this is why I do all that I do.  If you want to rule, then it's time to go find the secrets God has hidden, not to keep us from information, but to give us the excitement of the chase, the 
joy of the discovery, and the beauty of the unveiling.  

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