Ok, you invincible moms, the kids are back in school. Our God is good. So what are we doing on our knees? Here's a quick guide to taking a look around your community with God's eyes and heart. You can do this as you're out walking for exercise, running errands, or just as you talk to others around you.
- Open Eyes. Ask the Father to open your eyes to what He's already doing and pray for it to grow (John 5:17).
- Purpose. Ask Jesus what purpose He has for your community. (Daniel 2:21) What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? What do they honor? All of these hint at the purpose God has for your hometown. Pray that they use that purpose to honor God and serve each other.
- Expose and End Wickedness. Ask God to expose wickedness and oppression in order to end it. If you're brave, you can ask to be part of the solution. (Pr. 31:8-9) Repent for the sins you see on their behalf.
- Wisdom. Ask the Holy Spirit to give your community leaders wisdom and practical insight. (I Timothy 2:2)
- Homes. Ask the Father to turn the hearts of the fathers and children to each other. (Malachi 4:6) Remind God that He has promised to be a Father to the fatherless and a Husband to the widowed and abandoned.
- Remit the Sins of those you see around you according to John 20:23 ("If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven.") Jesus did it from the cross before He died to give us an example to follow. Those of us under Christ experience no condemnation from Christ because He has already forgiven all of our sins. He gave us that authority as well, not necessarily to forgive everything for all time as Jesus did, but to release people from the condemnation that keeps them from seeking God at all. Watch how open people become to God when you do this.
- Wise Teachers. Ask God to provide wise teachers that make learning a joy, rather than rebellious teachers that spout foolishness (Pr. 15:2).
- Peace. Ask for God to shine His light on us and guide our way into peace. (Luke 1:78-79).
- Not talk; Action. Ask God to keep your lips and the lips of all in your community from evil, deceit, or gossip. Ask that we would be careful to replace foolish talk with fruitful action that pursues peace and opens the Lord's ears to our cries. (Ps. 34:13-15)
- Trust. Commit to release your anxiety over the things you see and replace it with gratitude for all God has already done and prayers of hope and blessing for all He can and will do. (Phil 4:6-7) Choose to trust that He can and will do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think in order that He can show His glory through us (Eph 3:20-21).
Have fun and don't forget to just enjoy being with Him as you move around the community. He's great company!