Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween parenting...

I hate Halloween--I hate everything it stands for. I hate the position it puts me in. I hate the temptation and the sugar rush (ok, I love the sugar rush--but I'd like to be able to get into my jeans).

PJ again asked me why he couldn't go around with his friends tonight. We made that call several years ago and PJ has been content with his own "give a treat" tradition--his idea. This year, it was more about going around with friends than anything else, which makes my heart hurt. On our weekly shopping trip we talked again about making choices between honoring the high holiday of our enemy or remaining loyal to our Father and Friend and trusting Him to provide. We talked about all the lack we've never experienced and that God is faithful and trustworthy and will honor those who honor Him. It still felt hollow, I'll admit, regardless of how much I trust my Friend to provide. A fun time with friends is hard for me to turn down, regardless of the occaision.

We had been trying to make it to Awana at a neighborhood church for several weeks and this seemed like as good an opportunity as any, so I piled a pouting PJ in the car and left for church. When our pastor friend walked us in, one of the adults from PJ's school immediately recognized him and gave him a truly warm welcome. He had a great time and memorized 4 Bible verses. Not only that, they walked around all of the classes in their own candy give-away.

I don't know that PJ noticed, but he probably got more candy and connected with more people there than if he had gone out with the neighbors. It was well worth the trip.

Thanks, Lord! You came through on the promise I made my son that You would honor those who honor you. It's one thing to come through on promises to me--Coming through for my son means even more to me and to his fledgling faith. There truly are none like You.

1 comment:

  1. Check out what we did:

